Monday, August 13, 2007

Working Mums Tip#5: Sending Out the Most Useful Message

The way you communicate, like it or not, is going to be a key part of how you are perceived. Research has shown that our Body Language contributes 55% of our communication, Voice (tone, pitch, volume, etc) is 38% and our words or content are only 7%!

So assertive body language is important for you as a Working Mum to be able to deal with negative comments that will inevitably come your way – from family, work collegues, scrunch points, other school mums (‘muffia’) comments.

The key is to ‘get really conscious’ about HOW you come across rather than just coming across. Ask yourself “what messages am I giving out’ and how might these effect how I’m being perceived?

So what can you do to be perceived as a congruent and confident Working Mum with your Body Language and Voice’?

1. Act as if………fake it till you make it

2. Be witness conscious – see yourself from outside

3. Keep eye contact when listening to others

4. Choose your position in a room wisely, stand next to someone in authority

5. Have your hands visible above the table

6. Take a notebook to meetings and use it!

Some of these things may sound like common sense - and feedback has been that many women don't do this! Being prepared and knowing what to do is the first step.

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