Friday, March 28, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Mother ...Click here for YouTube link

You have to watch this - it's hilarious - and so true! This is one woman's take on some of the typical interactions she has with her children in a typical day. Somehow we think you'll recognise some of the sayings - we certainly did!

All sung to the William Tell Overture in 2.5 mins. She's now called the 'William Tell Mom' due to her YouTube success. Quite an achievement - she must be a working mum! Enjoy..... the lyrics are there too so you can read along...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Major Australian Retailer offers Six weeks Paid Maternity Leave

Australian retail giant, Myer, today announced they were offering six weeks paid maternity leave for fulltime and part-time staff who had been with them for 18 months or longer.

Hooray! Finally a major employer of women has seen the value of offering this benefit to their highly valuable working mothers.

Myer spokesman Greg Travers, says "[It] is an additional benefit that we also think will enhance the return rates of women to employment," he said. "We have a growth portfolio going forward into the future that's going to mean we'll need more people."

This kind of benefit makes it easier to convince working mothers to return and encourages existing staff to stay.

The Federal Minister for the Status of Women, Tanya Plibersek, has supported the Myer initiative. "It's got a very high proportion of female staff and I hope that businesses that haven't already got paid parental leave will think about following suit."

Well done Myer - and we both hope that many more businesses do the same!

Full article see

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Millionaire Marketing Working Mother says 'Ask for What you Need'

Virginia and I are very excited as we've just attended the 'World Internet Summit' conference in Sydney last weekend. We wanted to meet our internet coach and mentor from California, Tracy Repchuk, who was one of the keynote speakers there.

Tracy's been helping us to get our working mums business up online - and she's the perfect person to do it ! She's an amazing working mum herself (or 'Mom' as they say in USA)! Tracy has 3 kids - Kennedy 12, Celeste 11 and Caleb 10 - all born in the same month 1 year apart! So she REALLY knows what she's talking about....

We were lucky to grab an interview with her while she was here and the full video of her interview will be available as a free bonus when our new e-book 'Working Mothers' Secrets' is released in the next few weeks.

But here's some gold nuggets of advice from Tracy who has really earned the stripes of successful working motherhood:

'Don't victimise yourself into thinking that the workplace is a certain way. There IS an employer that will give you what you want - or perhaps become self-employed- so be brave and go after what you know will support you and your family. If you're certain of it , then you will attract it. It always works - once you get clear what you want.'

Tracy brought her husband and three kids with her to Australia so now they've gone on a road trip to Queenland - living their dream lifestyle. So thanks Tracy for being such an inspiration to us and other working mums around the world - and stay tuned for our new ebook!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy International Women's Day - and a great win for mothers

Hope you all had a fabulous International Women's Day today and spent time with some wonderful inspiring women! I had a beautiful dinner with three of my favourite working mum friends - who continually inspire me - Virginia, Shelley and Marlane. Thank you sisters for your never ending love and support - I couldn't do this WM gig without you all!

And exciting news just in from the Art Gallery of New South Wales - a working mother of two has just won the Archibald Prize this year ( Australia's prestigious art prize worth $50,000) with a self-portrait of herself and her children Kell and Arella. This is what the artist , Del Kathryn Barton says:

“This painting celebrates the love I have for my two children and how my relationship with them has radically informed and indeed transformed my understanding of who I am,” she says.

“The title of the work – you are what is most beautiful about me – alludes to that utterly profound ‘in-loveness’ that all mothers have for their children. Both my children have taken my world by storm and very little compares to the devotion I feel for them both. The intensity of this emotion is not something that I could have prepared myself for. The alchemy of life offered forth from my inhabitable woman's body is perhaps the greatest gift of my life.”

What a woman! More info see

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tracy Repchuk at the World Internet Summit Sydney Australia

Tracy Repchuk has to be one of the most successful working mothers of the Internet and she is coming to Australia this week to speak at the World Internet Summit in Sydney Australia - my home town!

I've been working with Tracy over the last six months and she has taught me a lot about Internet Marketing - and I feel like I've only scratched the surface! She is dedicated to helping women and working mums succeed in this online marketing game, so come and hear her speak on Friday morning 14th March at Darling Harbour.

I'll be there and giving her a rap - so it would be great to see you!