Friday, May 8, 2009

How to make a Mother's Day

Just read a brilliant article about how much mothers are criticised and judged by others - often by people in public that they don't even know. With Mother's Day looming and all the spin about really caring for mothers and 'it's the most important job in the world' then why is there so much judgment and criticism of mothers? Damned if they go to work and leave their kids, passed over socially if they don't work as not being anyone of consequence - what's a poor woman to do? not have children? Then she's damned for being too selfish. We can't seem to win any which way.

If only we could give mothers the praise that they so rightly deserve - the courage to bring another human being into the world and nurture them in the best possible way they know how. To be a 'good-enough' mother. Let's all give at least one mother some positive comments this Mother's Day about what she's doing that IS working. That will make her Mother's Day!

Read the article