Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Emergence of "Mrs Big" - more women as breadwinner

Not sure I like the title (when are men ever called "Mr Big" if they are the major breadwinner?) however the stats are interesting. Apparently, one-third of women are now taking on the breadwinner role as their earnings outstrip those of their partners, new research has found.

According to the Women And Work Survey 2010 (UK study), 30% of 2000 females questioned were either out-earning their partners or earning as much, with one in 10 claiming to have a house husband.

Other note-worthy stats:
- only 11% of those questioned expressing the desire to stop work completely when they started a family.

- almost half of all full-time mothers admitted they hated not earning their own money, while 32% missed work itself.

- though women working full-time earn, on average, 17% less per hour than men working full-time.

- the Grazia research found that 69% of mothers preferred to keep their hand in at work, with 60% of mothers of children under three stating they preferred to work, albeit preferably part-time (40%).

- Women with full-time jobs said their employment made them feel worthwhile (50%) and confident (51%).

- Four out of 10 women thought that in future the career of whoever was the highest earner would take precedence, regardless of sex (42%), and a further 39% felt mothers and fathers would share the work and childcare load equally.

- only one in 10 high-earning women thought the situation threatened her relationship.

More details at: http://tinyurl.com/2c3kzah