Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy International Women's Day - and a great win for mothers

Hope you all had a fabulous International Women's Day today and spent time with some wonderful inspiring women! I had a beautiful dinner with three of my favourite working mum friends - who continually inspire me - Virginia, Shelley and Marlane. Thank you sisters for your never ending love and support - I couldn't do this WM gig without you all!

And exciting news just in from the Art Gallery of New South Wales - a working mother of two has just won the Archibald Prize this year ( Australia's prestigious art prize worth $50,000) with a self-portrait of herself and her children Kell and Arella. This is what the artist , Del Kathryn Barton says:

“This painting celebrates the love I have for my two children and how my relationship with them has radically informed and indeed transformed my understanding of who I am,” she says.

“The title of the work – you are what is most beautiful about me – alludes to that utterly profound ‘in-loveness’ that all mothers have for their children. Both my children have taken my world by storm and very little compares to the devotion I feel for them both. The intensity of this emotion is not something that I could have prepared myself for. The alchemy of life offered forth from my inhabitable woman's body is perhaps the greatest gift of my life.”

What a woman! More info see


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Working Mothers Secrets Coaches - Maree Lipschitz & Virginia Herlihy said...

Thanks! I was wondering how to do this.... Maree