Thursday, July 5, 2007

Gather the Women - Rites of Passage: Girls Into Young Women

I've been busy getting a conference paper ready for the 'Gather the Women' conference in Sydney starting tomorrow.

I'm speaking about 'Rites of Passage: Girls into Young Women' which is the work I'm involved in for the NFP organisation The Pathways Foundation They provide contemporary rites of passage programs, for boys ‘Pathways to Manhood’ and for girls ‘Pathways into Womanhood’ and is a registered harm prevention charity.

Gather the Women Australia (GTWA) is part of a global movement of diverse women joining with many others to celebrate our true worth. Our vision is to empower each other to make the changes within our own worlds, which will enhance our lives and the lives of all beings around us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, to bring about a peaceful and ethical world.

You might like to know about the following GTW gatherings worldwide as opportunities to converge, connect, and cocreate what is right for you (more detail below):

Australian Congress, THIS IS THE MOMENT, July 6-8, 2007. Register at

3rd International Women's Peace Conference, Dallas, TX, July 10-15, 2007, GTW Friday workshop.

European Congress, March 2009, call to cocreators. Contact: Dr. Sabine Leuwer at

South American Congress, call to new leadership. Contact: Kathe Schaaf

Regional leadership and events, call to leadership for October "One Community" events. Contact Joy at or Marilyn at

Women's World Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, call to cocreators. Go to for more information.

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